superdup95 / Su

GPT-3.5 Turbo: no wait / GPT-4: no wait / GPT-4 32k: no wait / GPT-4 Turbo: no wait / Claude (Sonnet): no wait / Claude (Opus): no wait / Gemini Pro: no wait / Mistral 7B: no wait / Mixtral Small: no wait / Mistral Medium: no wait / Mistral Large: no wait / AWS Claude (Sonnet): no wait / AWS Claude (Opus): no wait / DALL-E: no wait

Server Greeting

Recent DALL-E Generations

A large supermarket ablaze with bright, intense flames leaping from the windows and roof. Smoke billows out, filling the night sky, mingling with the twinkling stars. The flames lick the signboard, the lettering distorted by the heat. Silhouetted against this fiery background are hoses from fire trucks, their water arcs attempting to douse the conflagration. Nearby trees sway under the thermal updraft, their leaves illuminated by the flickering firelight. Despite the chaos, a sense of urgency and professional dedication pervades as firefighters, both men and women of diverse descents, bravely battle the inferno.

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Service Info

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